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Regulatory updates - Spain

Get the latest news and updates on e-invoicing, e-ordering, e-archiving and indirect tax regulatory requirements.

Get the latest news and updates on e-invoicing, e-ordering, e-archiving and indirect tax regulatory requirements for Spain.

New web services for Veri*factu and non-Veri*factu invoices available in preproduction

The Spanish Tax Agency (AEAT) has launched new web services for invoice submission and query in the PREPRODUCTION environment for Veri*factu and non-Veri*factu invoices.


One step closer to Crea & Crece: Spanish Congress approves Pillar 2 global minimum tax bill

The draft bill introduces several new tax rules and is now pending approval from the Senate.


Spain releases Order HAC/1177/2024 with updated Veri*Factu technical specifications

On 17 October 2024, the Spanish Official State Gazette (BOE) has published Order HAC/1177/2024, detailing specifications for computer and electronic invoicing systems (SIF) used by businesses and professionals. This order supports compliance with the invoicing record standards set by Royal Decree 1007/2023 (Veri*Factu law) and the invoicing obligations under Royal Decree 1619/2012.


Spain has submitted a Draft Ministerial Order to the EU Commission for Verifactu

The Spanish Tax Authority (AEAT) has submitted a draft Ministerial Order (Sp. Orden Ministerial) to the EU Commission, outlining the technical, functional, and content specifications required on Computerized Billing Systems (SIFs) and Verifactu – a real-time invoice reporting system (RTIR).


European Commission recommends changes to Spain's draft Royal Decree on countrywide mandatory e-invoicing

The European Commission has recommended changes to a preliminary draft Royal Decree 18/2022. Aiming to implement Crea & Crece Law, this draft focuses on boosting company creation and growth by, among other measures, requiring electronic invoicing in the business sector.


Spain submits draft regulatory framework for Crea y Crece law to EU Commission

Following the publication of the draft Royal Decree regarding regulatory developments for “Crea y Crece” on 15 June 2023, the Finance Ministry and the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transformation in Spain have submitted a new edited version of the previous draft Royal Decree with some changes in it.


Spain releases Draft Ordinance developing the Certified Billing Regulations

The Draft Ordinance detailing technical and functional specifications for computer and electronic systems supporting entrepreneurs and professionals' invoicing processes has been unveiled by the Ministry of Finance and is open for public consultation.


New timelines for TicketBai implementation in Bizkaia

The Foral Treasury of Bizkaia has decided to change timelines to implement TicketBai reporting obligation in the region.


Spain has released further information regarding the upcoming B2B mandate

The Spanish government has released a new draft Royal Decree which further develops the electronic invoice requirements for B2B transactions as stated in Law 18/2022, better known as law “create and grow” (“Crea y Crece”).


Spain approves country-wide e-invoicing

Spain approves “Ley Crea y Crece” which will require taxpayers to adopt e-invoicing for B2B transactions. However, the timeline may vary depending on the EU commission derogation.

Country Specifications

E-Invoicing/CTC Model:

– B2G: Centralised

– B2B: Post-Audit

Mandatory Infrastructure:

– B2G: FACe

– B2B: N/A

Mandatory Format:

– B2G: Facturae

– B2B: N/A

Mandatory for Issuing:

– B2G: Suppliers to all contracting authorities

– B2B: no explicit requirements

Mandatory for Receiving:

– B2G: All contracting authorities

– B2B: Buyer’s consent required


– B2G: Required

– B2B: Not required, but common

Archiving Period:

6 years

Archiving Abroad:

Allowed under conditions

Pagero Regulatory Atlas

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