This is the stage environment


Refer to Pagero’s Master Subscription Agreement, General Terms and Conditions, and Data Processing Agreement here.

Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

The Data Processing Agreement (after this referred to as the “DPA”) with appendices.
The previous version of our Data Processing Agreement (valid until 31th March, 2023) is available to download here.

Table of contents

Data Processing Agreement

1. Scope and order of precedence

1.1. Scope. This Data Processing Agreement, including its Appendices (1 and 2), constitutes the “Data Processing Agreement” or “DPA”. The Parties have entered into an agreement related to the provision of services (the “Agreement”). This DPA governs each Party’s obligations in relation to the Processing of personal data under the terms of the Agreement.

1.2. Term. This DPA shall be effective for the term of the Agreement.

1.3. Defined terms. For purposes of this DPA, the capitalised terms used in this DPA shall have the meaning outlined in Appendix 1 of the TOS.

2. Processing of personal data

2.1. Types and Categories. The nature of the Processing, the types of Personal Data and categories of Data Subjects Processed under the scope of this DPA, and the Agreement is further defined in Appendix 1. 

2.2. Controller. The Customer, or the entity on behalf of which the Customer is processing Personal Data, acts as the Controller in relation to any Personal Data provided by the Customer under the Agreement. The Customer is responsible for the accuracy, quality, and lawfulness (including lawfulness of and transfers) of the Personal Data and the means by which the Customer acquired the Personal Data, as well as for providing relevant notices to data subjects. If the Customer is processing Personal Data on behalf of another entity, the Customer shall inform Pagero in writing and ensure that what is stated in this DPA is fully consistent with and according to the instructions of the Controller. 

2.3. Processor. Pagero and its Sub-processors act as the Processors of any Personal Data provided by the Customer under the Agreement and shall only process Personal Data on behalf of, and in accordance with, the Customer’s lawful instructions, the Data Protection Legislation or other applicable mandatory legislation.

2.4. Processing purposes. The Customer shall determine the purposes of the Processing of Personal Data under the Agreement. The purposes for Processing Personal Data by Pagero and its Sub-processors are limited to:

  1. fulfilling the obligations under the Agreement, such as providing a system or software, consultancy services, maintenance services, expanding the Pagero network and other services to the extent agreed by the Parties under the Agreement;
  2. setting up, operating, and monitoring the underlying infrastructure (hardware, software, servers, environments, connectivity, etc.) required to provide the services under the Agreement and to meet the technical, security and organisational requirements for the Processing of the Personal Data;
  3. communicating to the Customer and Customer’s personnel;
  4. executing the Instructions of the Customer in accordance with clause 2.5 below; and
  5. addressing service issues, technical problems or incidents.

2.5. Instructions. The Customer is responsible for issuing Instructions to Pagero regarding the processing of Personal Data under the applicable Agreement. Pagero shall only process such Personal Data in accordance with the terms of this DPA and the from time to other given Instructions provided by the Customer to Pagero. If Pagero considers an Instruction from the Customer to be not compliant with the Data Protection Legislation, it shall notify the Customer without undue delay.

3. Pagero Staff

3.1. Confidentiality. Pagero shall ensure that its and its Sub-processors’ staff who have access to Personal Data are informed of the confidential nature of the Personal Data and have entered into appropriate confidentiality agreements.

3.2. Limitation of Access. Pagero shall ensure that Pagero’s and its Sub-processors’ access to the Personal Data is limited to the individuals performing services in accordance with the Agreement.

4. Protection of Personal Data

4.1. Technical and Organisational Measures. When Processing Personal Data on behalf of the Customer in connection with the Agreement, Pagero and its Sub-processors shall implement and maintain appropriate administrative, physical, technical and organisational security measures for the protection of the rights of the Data Subjects in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation and in particular Article 32 GDPR. These measures shall be implemented to protect Personal Data against accidental or unauthorised loss, destruction, alteration, disclosure or access and against all other unlawful forms of Processing. Further details on the administrative, physical, technical and organisational security measures that shall be implemented and maintained by Pagero when Processing Personal Data under the Agreement are described in Appendix 2 of this DPA.

4.2. Requests from Data Subjects or Supervisory Authority. Pagero shall refer any contact or request from a Data Subject, a Supervisory Authority or any other third party regarding the Processing of Personal Data to the Customer. At the Customer’s request, Pagero will provide the Customer with relevant information in its possession relating to the contact or request and any assistance reasonably required for the Customer to respond to the Data Subject or Supervisory Authority in a timely manner.

4.3. Assistance. Pagero shall assist the Customer in ensuring compliance with the obligations pursuant to Articles 32 to 36 in the GDPR, taking into account the nature of the processing and the information available to Pagero.

5. Sub-processors

5.1. Use of Sub-processors. Pagero may, from time to other contract Sub-processors to meet their obligations under the Agreement. The Customer may at any time assess the current list of Sub-processors at (password: Compliance). Pagero shall ensure that the same data protection obligations set out in this DPA shall be imposed on the Sub-processor through a contract.

5.2. Change of Sub-processor. Pagero may decide to remove, replace or appoint additional Sub-processors. Pagero shall provide the Customer with a notification in writing before authorising any new Sub-processor(s) to Process Personal Data under the Agreement. If the Customer does not accept the change and/or appointment of a Sub-processor, the Customer has a right to terminate the parts of the Agreement affected by the change by notifying Pagero thereof in writing within ten (10) days of receiving the change notification, with ninety (90) days’ notice.

5.3. Additional services. In the current list of Sub-processors, Pagero has labelled its Sub-processors depending on the service they provide. The Sub-processors labelled as “Core” may Process Personal Data on behalf of all customers. Any additional Sub-processor included or added as a result of the Customer’s order of additional services shall be regarded as assessed and accepted by the Customer, including Sub-processors added at a later stage due to additions or extensions to the initial scope of the Agreement.

5.4. Responsibility. Pagero shall be responsible and accountable for the acts or omissions of Sub-processors to the same extent that Pagero is responsible and accountable for its own actions or omissions under this DPA.

6. Audit rights

6.1. Audit. The Customer is entitled to audit Pagero’s Processing under the Agreement to ensure compliance with this DPA, subject to the provisions below. Pagero shall always allow for and cooperate with; any audits conducted or required by a Supervisory Authority responsible for monitoring the Customers’ Processing of Personal Data.  

6.2. Customer Audits. Pagero shall provide the Customer or the Customer’s independent third-party auditor with such information and documentation as may reasonably be required to satisfy that Pagero is complying with the obligations referred to in this DPA by providing Pagero’s then current relevant certificates, including but not limited to Pagero’s ISO27001 and ISAE 3000/SOC2 certificates. 

6.3. Extended Customer Audits. Upon Customer request, Customer or the Customer’s independent third-party auditor may request additional information and/or assistance in addition to inspecting Pagero’s relevant certificates as described in 2 ( an “Extended Audit”). The following audit restrictions shall apply to Extended Audits:

a. Unless required by the Data Protection Legislation or if the Customer has a reason to suspect that Pagero or a Sub-processor is not complying with the obligations referred to in this DPA, an Extended Audit is limited to once in any twelve-month period.
b. The Customer shall provide Pagero with reasonable written notice (at least 30 days unless a Supervisory Authority requires the Customer’s earlier control under mandatory laws) prior to an Extended Audit.
c. The Customer shall conduct the Extended Audit within a reasonable time, with reasonable conditions, during regular business hours and subject to Pagero’s security policies. An Extended Audit may not unreasonably interfere with Pagero’s business activities.

d. Extended Audits will be subject to Pagero’s then current hourly fees including if applicable, relevant third party costs.

6.4. Audit findings. Without prejudice to any other of the Customers rights or remedies, Pagero shall without unreasonable delay effect a remedy if an audit determines that Pagero or a Sub-processor has breached its obligations under this DPA. If Pagero cannot remedy an audit remark, Pagero must notify the Customer. The Customer is then entitled to terminate the Agreement without any compensation.

7. Incident management and security breach notification

7.1. Incident management. Pagero shall evaluate and respond to events suspected to lead to unauthorised access to or handling of Personal Data (“Incidents”). If there is a risk that the Incident may lead to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to Personal Data, Pagero will notify the Customer without undue delay after becoming aware of a personal data breach and provide relevant information regarding the Incident. Pagero will define appropriate activities to address Incidents and work with the Customer when appropriate to protect the Personal Data. The objective of the Incident response will be to restore the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the related service and Personal Data. The Customer is responsible for registering a point of contact within the Software Services as the designated point of contact in case of incidents and to keep this information up to date.

8. Return and deletion of Customer data

8.1. Return and deletion. Pagero shall, upon the Customers’ request, return all stored Personal Data provided by the Customer under the scope of the Agreement to the Customer and then delete all such data within 120 days after the termination of the Agreement or this DPA, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Due to the different nature of such files, payment instructions will be deleted after twenty-four (24) months. For the avoidance of doubt, all Personal Data is deleted on an ongoing basis. 

9. International transfers

9.1. General. Pagero and its Sub-processors shall not Process or transfer Personal Data outside of the EU, or the EU Approved Countries without a written approval from the Customer. 

9.2. Approval. If Customer is registered within the Software Services as an entity located outside of the EU, or through Customer’s choice of services outside of the Basic Features, Pagero may transfer Personal Data to the Pagero entities, subprocessors and countries listed at  

9.3. Transfers. Pagero may transfer Personal Data to approved Sub-processors located in a country or territory outside of the EEA, or the EU Approved Countries, and to allow such Sub-processors to access and process Personal Data from a country or territory located outside of the EEA or the EU Approved Countries, solely for the purposes stated in clause4, and if:

a. the transfer is governed by and in accordance with a suitable framework recognised by the relevant authorities or courts as providing an adequate level of protection for personal data, including without limitation Binding Corporate Rules for Processors; or
b. the transfer is governed by and in accordance with the SCCs and/or the UK SCCs. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this DPA and the SCCs and/or the UK SCCs, the SCCs and/or the UK SCCs shall prevail. For the avoidance of doubt, the SCCs and/or the UK SCCs will only apply to transfers of Personal Data, or 
c. any other approved means of transfer under articles 46 or 49.


9.3. SCCs. For transfers of Personal Data to a Third Country as approved by the Customer and governed by the SCCs and/or the UK SCCs, the following shall apply;

a. DPA Appendix 3 shall apply to the transfer.
b. Where Pagero is not located in a Third Country and acts as a data exporter, Pagero has entered into the SCCs and the UK SCCs with each Subprocessor as the data importer. Module 3 (Processor to Processor) of the SCCs shall apply to such transfers.
c. Where Pagero is located in a Third Country, Pagero and  Customer  hereby  enter  into  the  SCCs and, if applicable, the UK SCCs  with  Customer  as  the  data  exporter and Pagero as the data importer which shall apply as follows:
i. Module 2 (Controller to Processor) shall apply where Customer is a Controller; and
ii. Module 3 (Processor to Processor) shall apply where Customer is a Processor. Where Customer act as Processor under  Module  3  (Processor  to  Processor)  of  SCCs,  Pagero  acknowledges that Customer acts as Processor under the instructions of its Controller(s)

DPA Appendix 1

1. Roles

In the handling of Personal Data, the Parties acknowledge that:

  • The Customer will act as Controller and Pagero as Processor in respect of Personal Data processed in e-Documents within the Software Services.
  • The Customer will act as Controller for the administration and management of the Customer’s User Accounts within the Software Services.
  • Pagero will act as the Controller when processing Personal Data relating to Customer contacts, such as contact information, in order to administer the business relationship with the Customer.

Where the Customer is processing Personal Data on behalf of another organization, the Customer is responsible for notifying Pagero in accordance with clause 2.2 of the DPA by way of email to If such notice has been provided, Customer will instead have the role of Processor, and Pagero will have the role of Sub-Processor. 

2. Data Subjects

The Processing of Personal Data covered by this DPA concerns the following categories of Data Subjects:

Pagero will only process Personal Data on Data Subjects as provided by the Customer, including:

  • Employees/personnel of the Customer.
  • References/contacts of business partners.

3. Categories of Personal Data

The processed personal data concerns the following categories of data (please specify):

Pagero will only process Personal Data on Data Subjects as provided by the Customer, including:

  • Contact details (name, email, phone).
  • Any Personal Data as may be included in the business documents, including Personal Data derived from goods or services ordered, bought or sold.

4. Special categories of Personal Data (if appropriate)

The processed personal data concerns the following special categories of data (please specify):

Depending on the documents processed in the service by the Customer, personal data relating to health, sex, political opinion or religion may indirectly be processed, e.g., if the services are used to send invoices for hospital visits or similar. Customer is responsible for informing Pagero if this is applicable to Customer’s data.  

5. Processing activities

The Processed Personal Data will be subject to the following basic processing activities):

The Personal Data will be Processed within the framework of the provision and operation of the Software Services and any value-added services. The system will be available to the Customer in its daily operations and for Pagero to provide support and maintenance. The Personal Data will be stored and Processed, for example, in different e-Documents, such as orders, invoices and related business documents

6. List of Sub-processors

The Processing of Personal Data covered by this DPA may be performed by one or several of Pagero’s Sub-processors. By agreeing to the terms of this DPA, Customer approves Pagero’s current list of Subprocessors (as applicable in accordance with clause 5.3 of the DPA):

The current list of Sub-processors can be found here under

For the avoidance of doubt, all Sub-Processors listed as “Core” apply to all Customers; other listed Sub-Processors are applicable depending on the add-on services ordered by the Customer, such as, e.g., print, scanning or data capture services.

To access the list, please enter the password: Compliance (this link may not be disclosed to unauthorised external parties)

DPA Appendix 2

Description of the technical and organisational security measures to be implemented for the protection of customer data, including Personal Data.

The purpose of this document is to describe the technical and organisational measures in place within Pagero Online and Pagero HBS Center (together “Pagero Cloud Services”) to ensure the appropriate protection of personal data.

1. Risk assessment regarding data protection

Pagero conducts a documented risk assessment for the Pagero Cloud Services provided to our customers.  The risk assessment is reviewed regularly, and any findings based on the risk assessment are evaluated, documented, and managed in order to fulfil the legal requirements. 

The risk assessment process is built around five different steps;

  • Identify risk
  • Analyse and assess risk
  • Perform decision making
  • Implement decision
  • Validate the effectiveness of the decision

2. Information security management system

Pagero has implemented an information security management system (ISMS) based on the ISO27001 standard, and a personal information management system (PIMS) based on the ISO27701 standard. For Pagero Online, the ISMS is also certified in accordance with these standards and recurringly reviewed by our certification auditors. Our ISO27001 and ISO27701 certifications may be provided to the Customer upon request.

In addition, Pageros ISMS is also reviewed regularly as a part of our ISAE/SOC audit program and for Pagero Online we also maintain a Cyber Essential certification. The ISAE/SOC audit is performed by an independent auditor and is based upon the trust service principles of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. The ISAE/SOC audit report and our ISO certifications are available upon request for our customers and prospects.

3. Roles and responsibilities

Pagero has established internal roles to ensure the appropriate protection of customer data, including personal data. Pagero has a CISO responsible for developing, managing and auditing Pagero’s ISMS and has appointed a Data Protection Officer who oversees Pagero’s data protection practices and reports directly to the board of directors.

4. Pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data

Pagero uses pseudonymisation and/or encryption where possible to protect customer data and reduce the risk of data exposure. The security measures vary between different services and products depending on risk level, technical solution, and type of product. For the Cloud Services, to following measures are implemented

  • All e-Documents at rest is encrypted
  • Passwords are hashed and stored in an encrypted form
  • If personal data are used in a test environment, the data is pseudonymised according to company policy and routines.
  • Backup files are stored in encrypted form in an offsite location according to company policy.

5. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability

Multiple security controls are in place to secure that a person only can access the data they are authorised to view, and Pagero performs reviews on access rights and accounts regularly.

Pagero manages access to customer data in the following ways:

  • Pagero has strict controls around accounts and account creation:
  • Accounts may be granted only to individuals with a verified business need.
  • Accounts are never to be shared with anyone for any reason.
  • Accounts must be granted with the minimum level of access and on the minimum number of systems required for the user to complete their required business tasks.
  • Accounts must only be issued when authorisation for the accounts can be verified.
  • Abuse of accounts results in immediate account termination.
  • Account credentials must meet the password complexity requirements for Pagero and include multi-factor authentication.
  • Accounts determined to be idle or unused by otherwise active employees, contractors, or consultants for a period of six months must be disabled, and the direct supervisor of the account holder notified.

6. Data centres

Only authorised staff with valid business reasons have access to our data centres. The data is protected from accidental or unlawful destruction or loss by physical and environmental controls. The physical and environmental controls are reviewed on a yearly basis. Remote access to our data centres is secured by 2-factor authentication.

  • Pagero has taken the following measures to ensure entry control in order to prevent unauthorised parties from being able to access customer data:
    • Network security
      • The network is divided into different subnets
      • IDS and IPS are in place
      • Firewalls are in place, and the settings are reviewed on a regular basis in accordance with company policies
    • Pagero enforces the use of complex passwords in combination with a 2-step login process in accordance with our company policy.
  • Pagero ensures the physical security of access to customer data in the following ways:
    • All data centres are ISO 27001 certified, audited in accordance with the ISAE audit standard or have a similar level of equivalent security framework.
    • Sensitive areas and systems must be physically secured, and access permitted only to authorised individuals, all of whom must demonstrate that they understand Pagero security policies. Access to sensitive areas is logged.
    • Access is revoked upon inappropriate use, security breach, or employee termination.
    • Servers are physically located in an access-controlled environment
  • Pagero Ensures that data is protected from accidental or unlawful destruction in the following ways 
    • Backups are stored outside the data centre
    • Warm standby environment where data is transferred regularly in accordance with company policies
    • The data centres are protected against environmental incidents in accordance with industrial standards
    • Redundant power systems (UPS for example)
    • Protected against flooding
    • Fire alarm/protection

7. Data redundancy 

Pagero Online and our other cloud services are protected from accidental or illegal destruction by physical and environmental controls. The physical and environmental controls are reviewed on a yearly basis as a part of our ISMS.

  • The cloud services are built upon independent data centres where one of the data centres is a “warm” standby data centre. 
  • The data is backed-up according to industry standards and is protected from accidental or illegal destruction by physical and environmental controls.
  • The backup process is tested on a regular basis in order to secure that it is possible to restore the data in an effective manner.

8. Internal system within Pagero Group

Internal systems within the Pagero Group are only accessible via our secure intranet solution, and access to our intranet is protected by a 2-factor VPN solution in order to secure that only approved internal or external personnel can access the systems.

External Pagero tools hosted in the cloud outside Pagero intranet are protected by one or several of the following standards; Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), 2-factor login, approved IP ranges, username and password handling. Each external system is reviewed in accordance with the supplier management routine and a risk management routine to set the security level of the application. Criteria that are included in the risk process is

  • Type of data stored (internal data, customer data)
  • Place of storage
  • Number of employees accessing the application

All internal systems that contain customer data are always protected by either VPN or 2-factor login.

9. Business Continuity

To secure system availability and access to customer data in the event of technical or physical incidents, Pagero has backup processes in place and also independent secondary warm standby data centres to secure access to personal data in our cloud services.

Pagero has defined how business continuity shall be achieved in the event of a critical system failure to provide our customers with high availability to the cloud services. The business continuity plan is tested on a regular basis in order to minimise manual steps and to make the plan as effective as possible. The business continuity plan is reviewed on a yearly basis by an independent auditor as a part of our ISMS.

DPA Appendix 3 – Standard Contractual Clauses

1. EU Standard Contractual Clauses

1. EU Standard Contractual Clauses

EU SCC TermAmendment/Selected Option


Module 2 (Controller to Processor)

Clause 7 (Docking clause)


Clause 9 (Use of sub-processors) / Annex III

Option 2 shall apply. The list of sub-processors already authorised by Customers is provided in Appendix 1.

Clause 11 (Optional Redress)

not included

Clause 13 (Supervision) and Annex 1.C

The supervisory authority with responsibility for ensuring compliance by the data exporter is where the data exporter is established within an EU member state.

Clause 17 (Governing law)

As per the main Agreement

Clause 18 (Choice of forum and jurisdiction)

As per the main Agreement

Annex I.A (List of parties)

As per the main Agreement

Annex I.B (Description of the transfer)

As specified in DPA Appendix 1

Annex II (Technical and organisational measures)

As specified in DPA Appendix 2

2. UK Standard Contractual Clauses (UK Data Transfer Addendum)

2. UK Standard Contractual Clauses (UK Data Transfer Addendum)

UK Data Transfer Addendum (Incorporating the EU SCCs)Amendment/Selected Option

Clause 7 (Docking clause)


Clause 9 (Use of sub-processors) / Annex III

Option 2 shall apply. The list of sub-processors already authorised by Customers is provided in Appendix 1.

Clause 11 (Optional Redress)

not included

Clause 13 (Supervision) and Annex 1.C

The competent supervisory authority is the UK Information Commissioner’s Office.

Clause 17 (Governing law)

Laws of England

Clause 18 (Choice of forum and jurisdiction)

Courts of England and Wales

Annex I.A (List of parties)

As per the main Agreement

Annex I.B (Description of the transfer)

As specified in DPA Appendix 1

Annex II (Technical and organisational measures)

As specified in DPA Appendix 2